Southwest Florida is not only a waterfront paradise– Naples is home to the second-most golf holes per capita of any community in the country. There are several quality communities that include award-winning golf courses across all Southwest Florida. Some local “Grant Group favorites” include Audubon Golf & Country Club, Bonita Bay, Quail West, Talis Park, The Colony, Pelican Landing, Grey Oaks, Shadow Wood at the Brooks, Mediterra, Pelican Bay, Tiburon, Spanish Wells, Imperial Golf Estates, West Bay, Treviso Bay, Pelican Marsh, and countless more.
Southwest Florida is not only a waterfront paradise– Naples is home to the second-most golf holes per capita of any community in the country. There are several quality communities that include award-winning golf courses across all Southwest Florida. Some local “Grant Group favorites” include Audubon Golf & Country Club, Bonita Bay, Pelican Landing, Spanish Wells, West Bay Club, Shadow Wood at the Brooks, Pelican Bay, Treviso Bay, Mediterra, Talis Park, Grey Oaks, Quail West and countless more.